¨What are we going to do with all this future?¨ Out of all the new year´s wishes and posts circulating around on social media, this question/quote strikes me the most. What WILL we do with all this future? Each new year, new month, new week, new day and each minute brings us opportunity. What we do with these opportunities are based on our perceptions and free will. And each decision we make has a ripple effect, which depending on what we choose, may either ripple positively or spiral us negatively. As youth, we´re told that the world is our oyster, as we get older for some reason, we believe that less and less and those brave, glass-ceiling breaking individuals become more passive, often falling into a mundane existence. When did that switch happen? I guess, my biggest wish for the future is that I constantly challenge myself and put myself out of my comfort zone, with a constant awareness of the opportunities for an even fuller life. Because what you do with all that future is ultimately up to you.
May your year ahead be a stepping stone towards a brighter future!
God bless, Jessie x